I have one JsonObjectBuilder that builds my response.
I have a for loop that loops 7 times, during each iteration it builds a new JsonObjectBuilder, adds key/value pairs, then this JsonObjectBuilder instance is added to the parent Builder for my response.
As I understand it, this method should build 7 nested JsonObjects in my response object.
private void addStoreHoursResponse(Map<String,Object> response, AppConfigHelper configHelper) throws IOException {
final String OPEN = "open";
final String CLOSE = "close";
final String NOTES = "notes";
JsonObject storeHours = configHelper.getStoreHours();
Calendar now = DateUtils.getEasternTimeZoneCalendar();
now.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0);
now.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0);
JsonObjectBuilder responseBuilder = Json.createObjectBuilder();
String open, close, notes;
for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
JsonObjectBuilder hoursBuilder = Json.createObjectBuilder();
HoursKey hoursKey = HoursKey.getHoursKey(now);
JsonObject hours = storeHours.getJsonObject(hoursKey.toString());
open = hours.isNull(OPEN) ? null : hours.getString(OPEN);
close = hours.isNull(CLOSE) ? null : hours.getString(CLOSE);
notes = hours.isNull(NOTES) ? null : hours.getString(NOTES);
if (open == null || close == null) {
hoursBuilder.add(OPEN, JsonValue.NULL);
hoursBuilder.add(CLOSE, JsonValue.NULL);
hoursBuilder.add(NOTES, JsonValue.NULL);
} else {
hoursBuilder.add(OPEN, DateUtils.getIsoString(setCalendarTime(now, open)));
hoursBuilder.add(CLOSE, DateUtils.getIsoString(setCalendarTime(now, close)));
hoursBuilder.add(NOTES, notes);
responseBuilder.add(DateUtils.getIsoString(now), hoursBuilder);
now.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 1);
response.put(STORE_HOURS, responseBuilder.build());
private Calendar setCalendarTime(Calendar calendar, String time) {
String[] timeArray = time.split(":");
int hour = Integer.parseInt(timeArray[0]);
int minute = Integer.parseInt(timeArray[1]);
calendar.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, hour);
calendar.set(Calendar.MINUTE, minute);
return calendar;
My JsonResponse has the 7 JsonObjects, but they should look like the following...
"open" : ISO time string,
"close" : ISO time string,
"notes" : String value
I am getting this as a result, what am I doing wrong?