I have a function to built a polynomial from a given x: [1, x^2,x^3,x^4,...,x^degree]
def build_poly(x, degree):
"""polynomial basis functions for input data x, for j=0 up to j=degree."""
D = len(x)
polyome = np.ones((D, 1))
for i in range(1, degree+1):
polyome = np.c_[polyome, x**i]
return polyome
Now, I would like to calculate polynom for a given x, but omiting sume values.
Hence, what this is what I did:
Created X:
I masked away the value with I wanted to omit:
masked_x= np.ma.masked_equal(x, 5)
But when I do the computation:
The masking has disappeeared. Why ? I want to have the program omit the masked elements