I have two main folders which have a lot of sub-folders in different drives. Have to create symbolic link for all files in the second folder into the first one.
C:\folderC>tree /f
│ file1.txt
│ file3.txt
D:\folderD>tree /f
│ file2.txt
Result using 2 commands:
C:\>mklink C:\folderC\folder1\file2.txt D:\folderD\folder1\file2.txt
symbolic link created for C:\folderC\folder1\file2.txt <<===>> D:\folderD\folder1\file2.txt
C:\>mklink C:\folderC\folder2\file2.txt D:\folderD\folder2\file2.txt
symbolic link created for C:\folderC\folder2\file2.txt <<===>> D:\folderD\folder2\file2.txt
│ file1.txt
│ file2.txt
│ file3.txt
How to make it for all files with a few commands instead of writing the code manually for each file?
PS: Firstly I wanted to use hard links but it seems it is not possible.
C:\>mklink /h C:\folderC\folder2\file2.txt D:\folderD\folder2\file2.txt
The system cannot move the file to a different disk drive.
You can try something link this:
function createSymbolicLinks ($source, $destination, [switch]$recurse) {
Get-ChildItem $source -Recurse:$recurse | ? { !$_.PSISContainer } | % {
$destpath = $_.Fullname -replace [regex]::Escape($source), $destination
if(!(Test-Path (Split-Path $destpath))) {
#Create missing subfolders
New-Item (Split-Path $destpath) -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null
cmd /c mklink $destpath $($_.FullName) | Out-Null
#Create symbolic links in c:\folderC for all files in d:\folderD(with recursive search)
createSymbolicLinks -source d:\folderD -destination c:\folderC -recurse
I believe this will fail if the same filename already exists in c:\folderc
. So if you need to replace a file in c:\folderc
with a symbolic link from d:\folderd
, you need to extend it to remove the existing file.
UPDATE: This will only go down one level with the recurse
option. It's not the prettiest solution, but it should work.
function createSymbolicLinks ($source, $destination, [switch]$recurse) {
Get-ChildItem $source | % {
if($_.PSIsContainer -and $recurse) {
Get-ChildItem $_.FullName
} else {
} | ? { !$_.PSIsContainer } | % {
$destpath = $_.Fullname -replace [regex]::Escape($source), $destination
if(!(Test-Path (Split-Path $destpath))) {
#Create missing subfolders
New-Item (Split-Path $destpath) -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null
cmd /c mklink $destpath $($_.FullName) | Out-Null
#Create symbolic links in c:\folderC for all files in d:\folderD(with recursive search)
createSymbolicLinks -source d:\folderD -destination c:\folderC -recurse
PS: Firstly I wanted to use hard links but it seems it is not possible.
Hard links are only possible within the same filesystem: they cannot span different drives (including when using reparse points to avoid drive letters).
Second, "symbolic links" in Windows are a shell (ie. Windows Explorer) artefact. they will only work when applications make use of the shell namespace (which most do not).
Better to avoid.
other way. In a .bat file, i use this :
for /f "delims=" %%i in ('dir /b /s *.jpg *.jpeg *.png *.gif') do (
name of link = a path to a folder + a number + %%~nxi
mklink </h for hard links or nothing for symlinks> name of link "%%i" >> log.txt
explanation : for /f
... loop in a chosen dir with subfolders, %%i
is the name of a file found with path (folder\subfolder\one_file.ext).
is the name without path (n
) and with extent (x
créate the link for %%i
It works. My question was different. In 2 computers, i can browse all the symbolic links (all the folders and subfolders) but in the third, not exactly. But with hard links, all is OK (with mklink /H
Read the end of my question please.