I have a saving routine that should prompt the user in the following way:
- If the currently selected file name exists, prompt for overwrite
- If the currently selected file name is empty (i.e. ""), set up a dialog to ask user to insert file name
- If the currently selected file name does not exist, save it!
My code is currently like below, but I feel like there should be a better way of doing this. As it is now the user is prompted with a dialog with choices "Yes, No, Cancel", but I would want it to be "Yes, Save as, Cancel". I really could not find any way to change the "No" button to a "Save as" button that opens a dialog where the user can insert the wanted file name. Any suggestions of improving this?
def saveProject(window):
if os.path.exists(window.getGlobalSettings().getCurrentFileName()): #File exists from before
dlg = wx.MessageDialog(window,
"Overwrite existing project file " + window.getGlobalSettings().getCurrentFileName() + "?",
"Overwrite existing project file",
result = dlg.ShowModal()
if result == wx.ID_YES:
return True
elif result == wx.ID_SAVEAS:
#TODO: do shit here
return False
elif result == wx.ID_NO:
return False
elif result == wx.ID_CANCEL:
return False
elif window.getGlobalSettings().getCurrentFileName == "":
#TODO: do shit here
return False
return True
The code was successfully changed to:
def saveProject(window):
dlg = wx.FileDialog(window, "Save project as...", os.getcwd(), "", "*.kfxproject", \
result = dlg.ShowModal()
inFile = dlg.GetPath()
if result == wx.ID_OK: #Save button was pressed
return True
elif result == wx.ID_CANCEL: #Either the cancel button was pressed or the window was closed
return False