I have two types of nodes in my graph. One type is Testplan and the other is Tag. Testplans are tagged to Tags. I want most common pairs of Tags that share the same Testplans with a Tag having a specific name. I have been able to achieve the most common Tags sharing the same Testplan with one Tag, but getting confused when trying to do it for pairs of Tags. The cypher returning the list of single tags is shared below
MATCH (kw1:Tag)<-[e:TAGGED]-(tp1:Testplan)-[e2:TAGGED]->(kw2:Tag)
WHERE kw1.name = "result"
RETURN kw1,kw2,count(tp1)
ORDER BY count(tp1) DESC
This cypher returns something as follows
Kw1 kw2 count(tp1)
“result” “error” 104
“result” “prerequisites” 89
“result” “alpha” 63
I want the result to be
Kw1 kw2 count(tp1)
“result” “error”,”prerequisites” 70
“result” “error”,”alpha” 63