How can I set my routes depending on the domain-name? I want to register some actions to diffenrent domain-names (not sub-domains).
Example of the functionality I need to replicate:
Route::any('', 'Controler@Action1');
Route::any('', 'Controler@Action2');
I can't use URL rewriting in .htaccess because I store domain->route maping in my database.
i think you can do it like this
Route::group(array('domain'=>''), function(){
Route::get('/',array('as'=>'domain1Home', 'uses'=>'Controller@Action1'));
Route::group(array('domain'=>''), function(){
Route::get('/',array('as'=>'domain2Home', 'uses'=>'Controller@Action2'));
you can know more about that from its some how the same way of thinking ..