When user inserts white spaces in input generated by tr:inputText and submits form I get the value that was submitted in JSF converter (my converter does no trimming) set on the input. But I get null value (original value that came to the input) to managed bean.
JSF page:
<tr:inputText label="..."
value="#{ManagedBean.object.defaultValue}" id="defValueId"
<tr:validateLength maximum="255"/>
<f:attribute name="domainId" value="domainId"/>
When I use h:inputText, I get the value that was submitted to my managed bean.
Why and where does Trinidad ignores whitespaces? Can I change anything so it works as for h:inputText.
Note: I use JSF 1.2 and Trinidad 1.2.13. I am not solving here problem empty string to null.