I'm doing a load test on user signup with the same email address for a webservice and the first 10 users which connect simultaneously will always register.
I'm using WATCH and MULTI but that doesn't seem to work any way.
I'm calling save() to save the user.
this.insert = function(callback) {
created = new Date();
updated = new Date();
// Also with these uncommented it still doesn't work
// Common.client.watch("u:" + this.username);
// Common.client.watch("em:" + this.email);
console.log(ID + " email is locked " + this.email);
.set("u:" + this.username, ID)
.hmset("u:" + ID,
{"username": this.username
,"password": this.password
,"email": this.email
,"payment_plan": payment_plan
,"created": created.getTime()
,"updated": updated.getTime()
,"avatar": this.avatar})
.zadd("u:users", 0, ID)
.sadd("u:emails", this.email)
.set("u:"+ ID + ":stats", 0)
.set("em:" + this.email, ID)
if (callback != null)
callback(null, this);
this.save = function(callback) {
// new user
if (ID == -1) {
var u = this;
Common.client.watch("u:" + this.username);
Common.client.exists("u:" + this.username, function(error, exists) {
// This username already exists
if (exists == 1) {
if (callback != null)
callback({code: 100, message: "This username already exists"});
else {
Common.client.watch("em:" + u.email);
Common.client.get("em:" + u.email, function(err, emailExists) {
if (emailExists != null) {
if (callback != null)
callback({code: 101, message: "This email is already in use"});
else {
Common.client.incr("u:nextID", function(error, id) {
if (error) callback(error);
else {
ID = id;
// existing user
else {
var u = this;
Common.client.get("em:" + this.email, function(err, emailExists) {
if (emailExists != ID && emailExists) {
if (callback != null) {
callback({code: 101, message: "This email is already in use " + ID + " " + emailExists});
else {
The output almost always is:
1 email is locked test@test.com
2 email is locked test@test.com
3 email is locked test@test.com
4 email is locked test@test.com
5 email is locked test@test.com
6 email is locked test@test.com
7 email is locked test@test.com
8 email is locked test@test.com
9 email is locked test@test.com
10 email is locked test@test.com
Am I doing something wrong or redis can't handle that much concurrency. Also this is the definition of Common:
var Common = {
client: redis.createClient(),