
Turned off VSync but still getting 60FPS in my Dir

2019-06-05 15:31发布


I have an DirectX9 application which only renders a triangle on the screen, but I am getting a frame rate of 60 FPS no matter if I've got VSync on or not. Why is this?

Here is the code I've done to calculate the FPS, but I dont know if this is the problem to it.


#pragma once

#include "Windows.h"

class GameTimer {

    void Update();

    float GetFrameTime();

    inline float GetFramePerSec(){return framesPerSec;}
    inline float GetMillSecPerFrame(){return millSecPerFrame;}

    float secsPerCount;
    _int64 prevTimeStamp;

    float framesPerSec;
    float millSecPerFrame;


#include "GameTimer.h"

GameTimer::GameTimer()  {

    _int64 countsPerSec = 0;
    secsPerCount = 1.0f / (float)countsPerSec;

    prevTimeStamp = 0;

    framesPerSec = 0.0f;
    millSecPerFrame = 0.0f;

void GameTimer::Update()
    static float numFrames = 0.0f;
    static float timeElapsed = 0.0f;

    numFrames += 1.0f;
    timeElapsed += GetFrameTime();

    if(timeElapsed >= 1.0f)
        framesPerSec = numFrames;
        millSecPerFrame = 1000.0f / numFrames;

        numFrames = 0;
        timeElapsed = 0;

float GameTimer::GetFrameTime() {
    _int64 currentTimeStamp = 0;
    float timeDiff = (currentTimeStamp - prevTimeStamp) * secsPerCount;
    prevTimeStamp = currentTimeStamp;

    return timeDiff;

Knowing that it's only a triangle on the screen (no complicated stuff being drawn), it should render over 1000 frames per second if I have VSync off shouldn't it?


In the CreateDevice call, set the PresentationInterval of the D3DPRESENT_PARAMETERS parameter to D3DPRESENT_INTERVAL_IMMEDIATE.


If you're under Windows, is the framerate still limited if you change your theme to Windows 7 Basic? (turn off desktop composition) I think the DWM enforces VSync in a lot of scenarios, some older software that forces a buffer flip often takes ages to redraw its window content.


You got the limit of the monitor it self, which means that the GPU maybe can executes in 1000FPS but the monitor show it on 60FPS