I'm working with the jQuery ColorPicker widget - specifically exercising the ColorPickerSetColor function (just 'setColor' internally). Code excerpt:
setColor: function(col) {
if (typeof col == 'string') {
col = HexToHSB(col);
} else if (col.r != undefined && col.g != undefined && col.b != undefined) {
col = RGBToHSB(col);
} else if (col.h != undefined && col.s != undefined && col.b != undefined) {
col = fixHSB(col);
} else {
return this;
return this.each(function(){
if ($(this).data('colorpickerId')) {
var cal = $('#' + $(this).data('colorpickerId'));
cal.data('colorpicker').color = col;
cal.data('colorpicker').origColor = col;
fillRGBFields(col, cal.get(0));
fillHSBFields(col, cal.get(0));
fillHexFields(col, cal.get(0));
setHue(col, cal.get(0));
setSelector(col, cal.get(0));
setCurrentColor(col, cal.get(0));
setNewColor(col, cal.get(0));
It seems that there is a bug in the widget. The 'col' parameter, when inspected inside of the each() call, is undefined. I've read the documentation and other examples, and everything I can find indicates that 'col' should still be in scope when the each() call executes the function, but it doesn't seem to be...