I want to use SmallCheck to test my code. I managed to generate arbitrary lists of pairs of ints, but that's not what my type should contain. The list represents a set of ranges, where [1,3),[4,6)
would be encoded/stored as [(1,3),(4,6)]
These are the invariants for the normalized form of my ranges:
fst a < snd a
snd a < fst b where a is before b in the list
I would like to communicate this to SmallCheck so that it doesn't generate loads of values that I throw away, because they aren't satisfying my invariants, but maybe that's not possible.
How can I generate lists satisfying my invariants?
Favour application-specific types over built-int types (Int, List). This is advice not just for SmallCheck, but for any piece of software, in any language.
data Interval = Interval (Int,Int)
data Domain = Domain [Interval]
Write smart constructors that enforce your invariants.
interval :: Int -> Int -> Interval
interval x y = Interval (min x y, max x y) -- if you want this
domain :: [Interval] -> Domain
domain ints = Domain ... (something that sorts intervals, and perhaps merges them)
Then use these to create Serial instances.
I do agree that this problem is solved better with user-defined types.
I assume you are writing an algorithm that has some property for disjoint half-open intervals sorted in an ascending order, then the following provides Serial
I decided to give Interval
and AscDisjIntervals
different generators rather than implementing one in terms of the other.
The algorithm for AscDisjIntervals
is as I already wrote in the comment
- generating a list of non-negative
s (this is to avoid Int
- summing these integers (this asserts an ascending order of all values
- generating pairs from this list (discarding the last single element if the list has an odd number of elements)
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
module Intervals where
newtype Interval = I (Integer,Integer) deriving(Eq)
instance Show Interval where
show (I (a,b)) = "["++show a ++ ", "++ show b ++ "]"
instance Monad m => Serial m Interval where
series = let a_b a b = I (getNonNegative $ min a b , getNonNegative $ max a b)
in cons2 a_b
newtype AscDisjIntervals = ADI [Interval] deriving (Eq)
instance Show AscDisjIntervals where
show (ADI x) = "|- "++ (unwords $ map show x) ++ " ->"
instance Monad m => Serial m AscDisjIntervals where
series = cons1 aux1
aux1 :: [NonNegative Int] -> AscDisjIntervals
aux1 xx = ADI . generator . tail $ scanl (+) 0 xx
where generator [] = []
generator (_:[]) = []
generator (x:y:xs) = let i = I (getNonNegative x ,getNonNegative y)
in i:generator xs
Note: I only compiled the program and did not test any properties.