I have inherited a codebase whereby we have a maven project of component tests that use junit as the framework that runs the tests.
Everything runs OK, but the problem is that these tests must be compiled into a jar-with-dependencies so that they can be run on a standalone computer with very limited outwards connectivity (e.g does not have access to maven central).
I have managed to create a runnable jar with dependencies which I can run using junit.jar and the command line like so:
java -cp jar-with-dependencies.jar:junit.jar junit.jar org.junit.runner.JUnitCore com.testsuite.AllTests
This works but the problem is that I also need to output the junit results into XML, like maven's surefire plugin does.
My question is, can I run this jar-with-dependencies using maven such that it creates the junit xml reports?
I can successfully run the tests using exec-maven-plugin which essentially runs the previously stated command