Google Visualization Org Chart - dynamically reduc

2019-06-05 04:09发布


I'm creating an org chart using google's code

      function drawChart() {
        var data = new google.visualization.DataTable();
        data.addColumn('string', 'Name');
        data.addColumn('string', 'Manager');
        data.addColumn('string', 'ToolTip');

          [{v:'Mike', f:'Mike<div style="color:red; font-style:italic">President</div>'}, '', 'The President'],
          [{v:'Jim', f:'Jim<div style="color:red; font-style:italic">Vice President</div>'}, 'Mike', 'VP'],
          ['Alice', 'Mike', ''],
          ['Alice2', 'Mike', ''],
          ['Alice3', 'Mike', ''],
//          ['Alice4', 'Alice3', ''],
//          ['Alice5', 'Alice3', ''],
//          ['Alice6', 'Alice3', ''],
//          ['Alice7', 'Alice3', ''],
//          ['Alice8', 'Alice3', ''],
//          ['Alice9', 'Alice3', ''],
          ['Bob', 'Jim', 'Bob Sponge'],
          ['Carol', 'Bob', '']

        var chart = new google.visualization.OrgChart(document.getElementById('chart_div'));
          chart.draw(data, {allowHtml:true, allowCollapse:true});

I want the space between nodes to be adjusted dynamically when they are collapsed, and not set to a pre-computed distance based on number of child nodes. To illustrate, I created 2 hierarchies in jsfiddle

  • - When I collapse 'Alice3' node, I want it to look like below

In other words, when a node is collapsed, I want it to be displayed as if it had no children. Only when I expand the node, it should slide to the right and take up more space, similar to Mike Bostock's collapsible reingold tree