I am simulating keystrokes using the unmanaged function SendInput ( There are 3 ways to call this function:
- Specify a keyboard scancode
- Specify a character unicode
- Specify a virtual key code
All work, but to be able to simulate shortcuts such as CTRL+P I want to use the virtual key code. I currently have a manual mapping of character to virtual key code, but this is not a good approach as it is not sensitive to the user's OS keyboard layout. For example on an English (UK) keyboard the "." character can be mapped to VirtualKeyCode.OEM_PERIOD, but if the OS keyboard layout is French then "." is VirtualKeyCode.OEM_PERIOD + SHIFT.
To make my code more robust I want to call the method VkKeyScan ( passing in a character to get the virtual key code (plus shift/ctrl/alt). This approach, in theory, takes care of everything.
The problem:
[DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
static extern short VkKeyScan(char ch);
var vkKeyScanResult = PInvoke.VkKeyScan(character);
var vk = vkKeyScanResult & 0xff;
var shift = (vkKeyScanResult >> 8 & 1) == 1;
var ctrl = (vkKeyScanResult >> 8 & 2) == 1;
var alt = (vkKeyScanResult >> 8 & 4) == 1;
if (vk != -1)
Log.InfoFormat("'{0}' => virtual key code {1}{2}{3}{4}",
character, vk, shift ? "+shift" : null, ctrl ? "+ctrl" : null, alt ? "+alt" : null);
With an OS keyboard layout of English (UK) I am seeing the following results:
- 'e' => virtual key code 69
- 'E' => virtual key code 69+shift
- 'é' => virtual key code 69
N.B. 69 is 0x45 in HEX, which corresponds to the 'E' key in virtual key code lists such as this
How can 'e' and 'é' both produce the same virtual key code? 'é' on an English (UK) keyboard is output by pressing 'e'+ctrl+alt or 'e'+altgr.
- My code is wrong and I am not extracting the ctrl and alt bits correctly.
- VkScanKey doesn't work as I expect it to and is not capable of returning things like 'é' as 'e'+ctrl+alt (although the MSDN documentation suggests that it can).
- Something else.