by now I just finish the expression turning to postfix expression, and I try to evaluate but something goes wrong and confusing me long time, and I just know how to fix it.
This is my code turn to postfix expression:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define STACK_INIT_SIZE 20
#define MAXBUFFER 10
#define OK 1
#define ERROR 0
typedef char ElemType;
typedef int Status;
typedef struct {
ElemType *base;
ElemType *top;
int stackSize;
Status InitStack(sqStack *s) {
s->base = (ElemType *)malloc(STACK_INIT_SIZE * sizeof(ElemType));
if ( !s->base ) {
s->top = s->base;
s->stackSize = STACK_INIT_SIZE;
return OK;
Status Push(sqStack *s, ElemType e) {
//if the stack is full
if ( s->top - s->base >= s->stackSize ) {
s->base = (ElemType *)realloc(s->base, (s->stackSize + STACKINCREMENT) * sizeof(ElemType));
if ( !s->base ) {
s->top = s->base + s->stackSize;
s->stackSize += STACKINCREMENT;
//store data
*(s->top) = e;
return OK;
Status Pop(sqStack *s, ElemType *e) {
if ( s->top == s->base ) {
return ERROR;
*e = *--(s->top);
return OK;
int StackLen(sqStack s) {
return ( - s.base);
int main() {
sqStack s;
char c;
char e;
printf("Please input your calculate expression(# to quit):\n");
scanf("%c", &c);
while ( c != '#' ) {
while ( c >= '0' && c <= '9' ) {
printf("%c", c);
scanf("%c", &c);
if ( c < '0' || c > '9' ) {
printf(" ");
if ( ')' == c ) {
Pop(&s, &e);
while ( '(' != e ) {
printf("%c ", e);
Pop(&s, &e);
} else if ( '+' == c || '-' == c ) {
if ( !StackLen(s) ) {
Push(&s, c);
} else {
do {
Pop(&s, &e);
if ( '(' == e ) {
Push(&s, e);
} else {
printf("%c", e);
}while ( StackLen(s) && '(' != e );
Push(&s, c);
} else if ( '*' == c || '/' == c || '(' == c ) {
Push(&s, c);
} else if ( '#' == c ) {
} else {
printf("\nInput format error!\n");
return -1;
scanf("%c", &c);
while ( StackLen(s) ) {
Pop(&s, &e);
printf("%c ", e);
return 0;
When I put 3*(7-2)# it returns 3 7 2 -
Things go right, but I don't know how to do evaluate it next, I just turn it to postfix expression and I want to evaluate it using stack.