My data ('location_data.txt') look like :
100030002001000 39.772158 -75.527002 40
100030002001001 39.771498 -75.525601 150
100030002001002 39.771226 -75.526509 2
100030002001003 39.767265 -75.526035 0
100030002001004 39.769209 -75.527356 1
100030002001005 39.769644 -75.528116 0
100030002001006 39.767594 -75.527571 3
100030002001007 39.770331 -75.530489 0
100030002001008 39.769329 -75.529616 230
100030002001009 39.768497 -75.528902 0
100030002001010 39.769968 -75.524596 3
100030002001011 39.769757 -75.525916 0
100030002001012 39.768603 -75.525462 5
100030002001013 39.768216 -75.524161 0
100030002001014 39.768765 -75.522921 0
100030002001015 39.767254 -75.524572 77
100030002001016 39.767773 -75.523119 2
100030002001017 39.76735 -75.522105 0
100030002001018 39.768074 -75.521028 12
100030002001019 39.766908 -75.521198 0
The variables are
- unique key (len=15),
- longitude
- latitude
- the number of workers.
My goal here is to get the four vectors from the external data. I am writing a Fortran code as follows:
program location
implicit none
integer, parameter :: maxnr = 200000
integer :: nr, i, j, ios
character(len=1) :: junkfornr
! My variable declaration
character(len=15), dimension(:), allocatable :: key
real, dimension(:), allocatable :: lat, lon
integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: jobs
! Determine the total number of lines in my data file
open(10, file='location_data.txt', status='old', form='formatted')
do i=1,maxnr
read(10,*,iostat=ios) junkfornr
if (ios/=0) exit
if (i == maxnr) then
write(*,*) "Error: Sorry, max. # of records exceeded..."
nr = nr + 1
end do
print*, "The number of rows of the data =", nr
! Create variables: key, lat, lon, jobs
! Read variables from the data file
do i=1,nr
read(10,*) key(i), lat(i), lon(i), jobs(i)
end do
print*, key
end program location
If I use form='formatted' in the open statement, I've got the following message on the screen:
The number of rows of the data = 20
At line 41 of file location.f90 <unit=10, file = 'location_data.txt'>
Fortran runtime error: Sequential READ or WRITE not allowed after EOF market,
possibly use REWIND or BACKSPACE
And when I change form='formatted' to form='unformatted', I have another erroneous result:
The number of rows of the data = 0
I have several barriers to tackle in order to get to the solution for a bigger data analysis in Fortran, and I think now it's the time to seek some help from you Fortran gurus. I would really appreciate it if you could help me with these errors.