SQL Query to fill missing gaps across time and get

2019-06-04 23:43发布


I have the following table in my database:

Month|Year | Value
   1 |2013 | 100
   4 |2013 | 101
   8 |2013 | 102
   2 |2014 | 103
   4 |2014 | 104 

How can I fill in "missing" rows from the data, so that if I query from 2013-03 through 2014-03, I would get:

Month|Year | Value
   3 |2013 | 100
   4 |2013 | 101
   5 |2013 | 101
   6 |2013 | 101
   7 |2013 | 101
   8 |2013 | 102
   9 |2013 | 102
  10 |2013 | 102
  11 |2013 | 102
  12 |2013 | 102
   1 |2014 | 102
   2 |2014 | 103
   3 |2014 | 103

As you can see I want to repeat the previous Value for a missing row.


I have created a SQL Fiddle of this solution for you to play with.

Essentially it creates a Work Table @Months and then Cross joins this will all years in your data set. This produces a complete list of all months for all years. I then left join the Test data provided in your example (Table named TEST - see SQL fiddle for schema) back into this list to give me a complete list with Values for the months that have them. The next issue to overcome was using the last months values if this months didn't have any. For that, I used a correlated sub-query i.e. joined tblValues back on itself only where it matched the maximum Rank of a row which has a value. This then gives a complete result set!

If you want to filter by year\month you can add this into a WHERE clause just before the final Order By.


Test Schema

CREATE TABLE TEST( Month tinyint, Year int, Value int)

INSERT INTO TEST(Month, Year, Value)


DECLARE @Months Table(Month tinyint)
Insert into @Months(Month)Values (1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9),(10),(11),(12);

With tblValues as (
  select Rank() Over (ORDER BY y.Year, m.Month) as [Rank], 
  from @Months m
  CROSS JOIN ( Select Distinct Year from Test ) y
  LEFT JOIN Test t on t.Month = m.Month and t.Year = y.Year
Select t.Month, t.Year, COALESCE(t.Value, t1.Value) as Value
from tblValues t
left join tblValues t1 on t1.Rank = (
            Select Max(tmax.Rank)
            From tblValues tmax 
            Where tmax.Rank < t.Rank AND tmax.Value is not null)

Order by t.Year, t.Month