In this question, I found out how to dynamically add form fields.
Now, how can I set a cookie to remember the amount of form fields that were generated, and their content?
eg. First visit, user types this:
Input one
Input two
Input three
Then he/she visits the page again. There are 3 form fields, containg Input one, Input two and Input 3.
Is this possible using a server/client side solution?
Thanks a lot,
assuming that the input textfield class is "textfield1" -
This snippet will capture the data into a cookie when the value is modified
$(".textfield1").change(function() {
$.cookie("textfield1", $(".textfield1").val(), {expires: 7});
This snippet will read the cookie data and populate the field on page load -
$(".textfield1").val( $.cookie("textfield1") );
Put both these snippets inside $(document).ready(function(){ }); and you are good to go !
there is a useful plugin of jquery "Jquery Populate" you can store your json in cookie/session and use it to fill your forms.