Someone asked the same question here How do you get the value from a TVML textField? but didn't explain the full answer and my comment there was edited, suggesting me to ask a brand new question. Here it is...
Can anyone help understand how to best get a reference to the textField
node and its keyboard value from TVML? Right now I'm using this code below in Presenter.js
to get to the textField
once the user clicks the Done
button in the template displaying the form & keyboard, but still get
ITML : undefined is not an object (evaluating 'textField.getFeature') - .../js/Presenter.js
when I use getFeature("Keyboard")
load: function(event) {
var self = this,
ele =,
templateURL = ele.getAttribute("template"),
presentation = ele.getAttribute("presentation"),
videoURL = ele.getAttribute("videoURL");
if (templateURL && (event.type == "select")) {
var formTemplate = ele.parentNode.parentNode; // that should give me <formTemplate> element
var children = formTemplate.childNodes;
var textField = children[1]; // which is the second element in <formTemplate><banner></banner><textField></textField>...
var keyboard = textField.getFeature("Keyboard"); // this raises the ITML Error...
I found the solution by looking into accessing elements by traversing XML DOM:
var formTemplate = ele.parentNode.parentNode; // your formTemplate button
var children = formTemplate.childNodes;
var textField = children.item(1); // replace "1" with the index of "textField" element in your template
var keyboard = textField.getFeature("Keyboard"); // get the textField's Keyboard element
var userValue = keyboard.text; // the value entered by the user on the Apple TV keyboard