Multer, Node, EACCES error on

2019-06-04 19:10发布


Hiya all thanks in advance for any help you can provide. I am using, node, express, multer, gridfs-stream. And Im getting:

  mkdirp(dest, function(err) { if (err) throw err; });
 Error: EACCES, mkdir '/uploads'

I run the server.js script and that is the error that I get. I believe is something to do with permissions but i have tried chown the public folder and chmod ax, you guys have any other suggestions as to what to do?. Still get same error. The code I have is server.js

app.use('/uploads', express.static(__dirname + '/public/uploads'));
app.use(multer({dest: '/uploads/'}));


app.get('/form',function (req,res){

app.get('/api/taxis', function(req,res){

// app.get('user/:name', function(req,res){
//     taxiModel.Taxi.find({name:req.param.nmae},function(err,docs){
//       if(err)res.json(err);
//       else res.render();
//     }
// });

app.get('*', function (req,res){
    var dirname = require('path').dirname(__dirname);
     var filename =;
     var path = req.files.dnimgfront.path;
     var type = req.files.dnimgfront.mimetype;
     var gfs = Grid(conn.db);
     var read_stream =  fs.createReadStream(dirname + '/' + path);
     var writestream = gfs.createWriteStream({filename: filename});



var conn=mongoose.connection;

conn.once('open', function(){
    console.log('connected to mongodb succesfully!');

app.listen(process.env.PORT, process.env.IP);


Did you ever figure this out? I was getting the EAccess error as well.

To fix the issue I did the following.

I had to make sure that path = require('path') was included also not sure how old your question is compared to Multer releases but i looks like in version 1.0.3 you have to multer = require('multer') then below that upload = multer() also this is where you stick in the config information.

You end up with

var multer = require('multer'),
/*some config stuff for multer*/
    Limits = { fileSize: 10 * 1024 * 1024, files:1 };

/* specify one file so ppl can't flood the server with infinite file
  uploads or make it what you want but don't just leave it. Alternately 
  you can write the config stuff like the dest: value below. */

/*pass multer the configuration information and/or set config information*/
var upload = multer({dest: path.join(__dirname+'/uploads'),
                     limits: Limits

then do like'/uploads', upload, function(req,res){
    // expose req.file to a variable or do some process by which you send it to your database.  

hope this helps.