Export selected rows with buttons collection not w

2019-06-04 18:47发布


I am trying to export only the selected rows from a dataTable. I could successfully export selected rows to a csv file by setting extend option to csv as shown in the below code.

buttons: [
        extend: 'csv',
        text: 'Export Selected',
        exportOptions: {
            columns: ':visible:not(.not-exported)',
            modifier: {
                 selected: true
        title: 'Data export'

But I want to have a drop down(csv, copy, print) from which I can choose to export the selcted rows to. I tried using collection as in the below code. But it exports all the visible rows. Someone pls help

buttons: [
        extend: 'collection',
        text: 'Export Selected',
        buttons: ['copy','csv','print'],
        exportOptions: {
            columns: ':visible:not(.not-exported)',
            modifier: {
                 selected: true
        title: 'Data export'


You define "selected only" simply by using rows: '.selected'. However: Even though you are using a collection, you will still need to provide settings for each button. I.e

buttons: ['copy','csv','print'],

should be

buttons: [
  { extend :'copy',
    exportOptions : {
     columns: ':visible:not(.not-exported)',
     rows: '.selected'

You can reduce the amount of code by reusing a simple literal

var exportOptions = {
  columns: ':visible:not(.not-exported)',
  rows: '.selected'

The working sample code will end up like this :

buttons: [
    extend: 'collection',
    text: 'Export Selected',
    buttons: [
      { extend : 'copy',
        exportOptions: exportOptions
      { extend : 'csv',
        exportOptions: exportOptions
      { extend : 'print',
        exportOptions: exportOptions

here is a demo -> https://jsfiddle.net/youn7zm4/