Increasing the cluster size in Google Container En

2019-06-04 18:27发布


How do I add VM instances to my existing Container Engine cluster?

I understand that I can add pods via replication controllers, but it seems there can be multiple pods per VM instance. Adding 50 new pods to my initial 3 VM cluster just distributed those pods evenly and did not start new instances. Not really helpful if I want to scale my app due to increased load.


For now, there isn't a way to scale your cluster. We are working on integrating Container Engine with the recently announced Managed Instance Groups and Cloud AutoScaling Service.

Stay tuned!


Resizing a cluster is now possible, see the docs


This may help you

$ gcloud container clusters describe CLUSTER_NAME --format yaml | grep -A 1 instanceGroupUrls

$ gcloud compute instance-groups managed resize gke-example-b937f2ba-group --zone us-central1-f --size 4