It is mostly a theoretical question ( but example code is always welcome ).
The real question is: how to correctly code the 'frame' of an EA that tests multiple scenarios from multiple custom indicators?
The way I'm ( busy ) building an EA, is not very much focused on 1 strategy, but is gonna try to 'test' multiple strategies and 'picks' the most appropriate one.
So I have created a few custom indicators, that are all returning an array of 'status data'.
For example I have the following indicators:
- Crossing moving average indicator, that gives a signal when the average is crossed and also the current position in percentage moved from MA.
- Bollinger Bands indicator, that returns the 'room' between the bands and gives a signal when the bands starts 'squeezing'.
- Multi timeframe 'direction/trend' indicator ( is a certain timeframe moving toward up or down ). That returns current directions and gives a signal, if a timeframe direction changes.
- ADX indicator, for checking 'small-scale' movement and picking best buy/sell points.
I could write one HUGE scenario, but I think it can be done much better. Because if, lets say, all timeframes are going down ( down trend ) You could have a special scenario to handle lots of down movement. But if there is no current trend, a different scenario would fit best.
So, I feel like its best to make multiple scenarios ( still in 1 EA ). First all custom indicator data is collected and then each scenario uses that data to calculate its stuff. It then returns a 'score' and the best one is picked.
But how can I layout the code in the best 'overview' way?
Should I create a Class for each scenario and give them a manual 'tick' with data? And just split them into multiple files and #include
Or maybe event-driven? Created classes that just keeps on running, calculating and setting listeners to certain indicator events and go there own way (that would be awesome)
Any thoughts are much welcome!
I don't have time right now to create a UML.. But I do the following for now ->
( Order
is a singleton, just performing order requests )
( Base class that each indicator extends )
( Base class that each strategy extends )
( Holds all indicators, gets run on each tick )
( Holds all strategies, gets run on each tick, after IndicatorFetcher
Each Strategy
instance gets an access to the IndicatorFetcher
( Holding an overview with all indicators' data, and uses the Order
singleton to perform trading ).
. . . a remark on creeping subject
StackOverflow encourages users to post MCVE
-related questions, as the Community is motivated to provide MCVE
-related answers.
algorithmic-trading, quantitative-finance and particularly MQL4
domains are very, very specific with respect to narrow-band specialisation & ultimate profit-oriented motivation of the problem domain.
That said, StackOverflow seems not to be the very best place to discuss the high-level architecture and development strategy of trading-strategy development efforts and one may occasionally face a strong negative feedback from some self-constitued hardliners' policy enforcers.
While all above was mentioned, the last update of the question moves the subject another step farther from the said theoretical promoted StackOverflow ideal. ( ... 've been warned )
Ad-hoc last Update:
on class-inheritance and singleton +other patterns architecture
You might reconsider a few facts, that are not Software-engineering evangelisation theory or best-practice oriented, but are very cardinal for Quant modelling, the trading domain is all about.
ideals may and will suffer from MQL4
language limited extensibility ( by far !C++
- design patterns, common in other domains, need not work under MQL4
event-triggered restricted code-execution facility ( you have no means to control mainloop()
-alike constructs with custom added event-listeners and have indeed many issues if trying to design an "MQL4
-viable" MVC-alike frameworks living just "hung-under" OnTick()
external event-injector.
- "multi"-strategy
mode-of-operation idea devastates the whole StrategyTester framework for quantitative modelling and optimisation services. If indeed interested in Quant-modelling portfolio-aggregated strategies, there are other tools for doing this, but definitely not an MQL4
-coding bottom-up.
- there is literally zero benefits from assembling many strategies under the same process, while risks of not executed XTO
-operations are both out of your control and grow exponentially, which is exactly what a good design practice strives to avoid and principally prevent.
Initial note: architecture is your enemy ( not the "layout"-of-MQL4
-code )
As discussed in your earlier question, a proper understanding if the MetaTrader Terminal 4 code-execution ecosystem is your best road-map.
Process Management limitations on MT4
this is the core alpha and omega for any larger scale project.
While having done GPU / GPU-grid / hybrid dual event-controllers on top of the MT4 event-scheme with GUI-Finite-State-Automaton Layer, feeding it's actual state into a distributed back-end processing for really fast MQL4-EAs, all these grand Projects are doable and work fine right due to a proper care taken onto shared-resources usage stability ( avoiding race conditions ) & onto a principally non-blocking design ( collision avoidance as a preferred concurrency aspect ).
For an introduction to the process management limitations on MT4, check this post
or not #include
? ( that's a question... )
Without having to ask Hamlet, the prince of Denmark, the #include
directive is ready for your code-base, however it does not handle all your stress efficiently on it's own.
Based on an experience of providing a development and maintenance for code-base spanning a bit more than a few hundreds man*years, the #include
is not the Jack-of-all-trades.
A well thought selection of ... The IDE plus some home brew lexers and syntax-validators ... is the key, because this is your team real productivity tool ( or performance brake, if chosen bad ).
Do not hesitate to read a few notes on this in this post
Final remark:
While the inital post
was motivated by
"how to program something HUGE in MQL4
[kindly forgive my knowingly over-simplification made in a name of having a bit sharper contrast & focus on the merit]
the trading has absolutely different goal - it is a for-profit discipline,
for which quantitative methods
are typically used before designing any code,
not vice-versa
This means
the quantitatively modelled Trading Strategy
( and due to reasons outside of the scope of this post
I prefer to rather declare it to be a TruStrategy, a 5-dimensional field of policies { S, D, A, A, T }
shall provide an a-priori sense [The Profit-generation Performance]
before any code-implementation starts
That means,
any designer can propose a feasible approach only ad-hoc, not a-priori - be it finally resulting in a HUGE-legacy-code, a smart(er)-OOD-code or tiny & just-enough-code.
Without a known TruStrategy behaviour in all 5-dimensions
( not just the frequency of events, complexity of signal detection, sensitivity to alpha, beta & black-swan factors, how many trades are to be managed in parallel on-the-fly )
one knows literally nothing
hunting for nanoseconds inside a tight realtime event-flow control-loop
[if positioned near HFT end of spectrum]
fighting to reduce hours/days spent on maintaining then non-evolutionary models
[if petabytes of static data are first to be processed for adaptive AI/ML models from which a non-convex GridSearch
cross-validation minimiser is to pick the most suitable members for a coalition-of-machines, that can robustly predict a set of 1 or 2 success-trade opportunities per week]
Believe me or not, the resulting code differs -- a lot...
For complex scenarios, splitting each scenario into classes will be useful.
Classes are separated into Tasks and Data that interacts with each other.
An indicator could be wrapped within a Data-class, which is fed into a Monitor-Task. A big Action-task-class can be created to react to multiple monitor classes.