
Total Reviews are no longer getting in Google Plac

2019-06-04 04:11发布


Since May 25, 2016, Total reviews count are not getting in Google Places API. After doing homework in fixing this issue, I came to know that Google My Business API is the suggested solution.

When I tried Google My Business API and make a request on Https as described in their Get Started Guides.

I got the following message on OAuth 2.0 Playground

I have also tried using client libraries and download C# client library, but unable to open it in VS 2013 as it suggest that my target framework is not set to .Net framework 4.5 but when i checked in my project it is set to 4.5

If anyone has fixed this issue or found an alternative solution to get Total Reviews Count Kindly share your knowledge.

As i already have spend atleast 4 days for this issue.


Just a heads up that this has been fixed as reported in the Google Issue Tracker for the issue