I'm building an Angular app with RESTful CRUD actions. Almost everything is working except for the /users/new
route ~ it displays the show view instead of new view specified in $routeProvider. However, '/new'
does work. I'm not getting any feedback in the js console. Any ideas or examples I should read?
App.config [
($routeProvider, $locationProvider, config) ->
templateUrl: '/partials/home.html'
templateUrl: 'partials/users/index.html'
controller: 'UserIndexCtrl'
templateUrl: 'partials/users/show.html'
controller: 'UserShowCtrl'
templateUrl: 'partials/users/edit.html'
controller: 'UserEditCtrl'
# why does following not work:
templateUrl: 'partials/users/new.html'
controller: 'UserNewCtrl'
# but this does:
templateUrl: 'partials/users/new.html'
controller: 'UserNewCtrl'
).otherwise(redirectTo: '/')