We can make WPF Custom Control for overriding some control's look&feel, like icon button.
public class MyButton : Button {
static MyButton()
DefaultStyleKeyProperty.OverrideMetadata(typeof(MyButton), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(typeof(MyButton)));
But I think that way has a some problem. It causes a some issue when I distribute the Custom Cotrol 'MyButton'. Because MyButton dependent on external resource, the WPF Style MyButton. So I need to distribute two files : MyButton.cs and MyButton.WPF.
So, How can I definite a Conotrol Template by programmatically?
(Of cause, another way to solving the problem is making WPF User Control. but my point is not that.)
Note : I found some resources about this issue. That was a Inline XAML scripting. But to me, the XAML scripting is not option. Because I'm learning on WPF so I want to know WPF thatself, not a trick.