I am trying to write a script for importing multiple cache files for a model in Maya using Python. So far I have got the following:
import maya.cmds as cmds
cache_files_path = 'D:/Project/sfin/work/data/ram/geo'
latest_look_file = 'D:/Project/chars/ram/look/maya/ram_clean_look_v002_t005.mb'
# open the latest look file
cmds.file(latest_look_file, f = True, op = "v=0;", typ = 'mayaBinary', o = True)
cmds.select(all = True)
Now I need to start importing existing geometry cache from the 'cache_files_path' to the respective objects. Maya2013 has the mel script 'doImportCacheFile.mel' which does the task I guess. But I couldn't proceed from here.