I am making a calculator in assembly language to be executed on an x86 processor.
Basically, my calculator asks the user to enter two numbers and then to indicate which operation (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) want to do with them.
My calculator adds, subtracts and multiplies correctly but is unable to divide. In making a division, I always get 1 as the result.
Then I leave my application code complete:
section .data
; Messages
msg1 db 10,'-Calculator-',10,0
lmsg1 equ $ - msg1
msg2 db 10,'Number 1: ',0
lmsg2 equ $ - msg2
msg3 db 'Number 2: ',0
lmsg3 equ $ - msg3
msg4 db 10,'1. Add',10,0
lmsg4 equ $ - msg4
msg5 db '2. Subtract',10,0
lmsg5 equ $ - msg5
msg6 db '3. Multiply',10,0
lmsg6 equ $ - msg6
msg7 db '4. Divide',10,0
lmsg7 equ $ - msg7
msg8 db 'Operation: ',0
lmsg8 equ $ - msg8
msg9 db 10,'Result: ',0
lmsg9 equ $ - msg9
msg10 db 10,'Invalid Option',10,0
lmsg10 equ $ - msg10
nlinea db 10,10,0
lnlinea equ $ - nlinea
section .bss
; Spaces reserved for storing the values provided by the user.
opc resb 2
num1 resb 2
num2 resb 2
result resb 2
section .text
global _start
; Print on screen the message 1
mov eax, 4
mov ebx, 1
mov ecx, msg1
mov edx, lmsg1
int 80h
; Print on screen the message 2
mov eax, 4
mov ebx, 1
mov ecx, msg2
mov edx, lmsg2
int 80h
; We get num1 value.
mov eax, 3
mov ebx, 0
mov ecx, num1
mov edx, 2
int 80h
; Print on screen the message 3
mov eax, 4
mov ebx, 1
mov ecx, msg3
mov edx, lmsg3
int 80h
; We get num2 value.
mov eax, 3
mov ebx, 0
mov ecx, num2
mov edx, 2
int 80h
; Print on screen the message 4
mov eax, 4
mov ebx, 1
mov ecx, msg4
mov edx, lmsg4
int 80h
; Print on screen the message 5
mov eax, 4
mov ebx, 1
mov ecx, msg5
mov edx, lmsg5
int 80h
; Print on screen the message 6
mov eax, 4
mov ebx, 1
mov ecx, msg6
mov edx, lmsg6
int 80h
; Print on screen the message 7
mov eax, 4
mov ebx, 1
mov ecx, msg7
mov edx, lmsg7
int 80h
; Print on screen the message 8
mov eax, 4
mov ebx, 1
mov ecx, msg8
mov edx, lmsg8
int 80h
; We get the option selected.
mov ebx,0
mov ecx,opc
mov edx,2
mov eax,3
int 80h
mov ah, [opc] ; Move the selected option to the registry ah
sub ah, '0' ; Convert from ascii to decimal
; We compare the value entered by the user to know what operation to perform.
cmp ah, 1
je add
cmp ah, 2
je subtract
cmp ah, 3
je multiply
cmp ah, 4
je divide
; If the value entered by the user does not meet any of the above
; conditions then we show an error message and we close the program.
mov eax, 4
mov ebx, 1
mov ecx, msg10
mov edx, lmsg10
int 80h
jmp exit
; We keep the numbers in the registers eax and ebx
mov eax, [num1]
mov ebx, [num2]
; Convert from ascii to decimal
sub eax, '0'
sub ebx, '0'
; Add
add eax, ebx
; Conversion from decimal to ascii
add eax, '0'
; We move the result
mov [result], eax
; Print on screen the message 9
mov eax, 4
mov ebx, 1
mov ecx, msg9
mov edx, lmsg9
int 80h
; Print on screen the result
mov eax, 4
mov ebx, 1
mov ecx, result
mov edx, 1
int 80h
; We end the program
jmp exit
; We keep the numbers in the registers eax and ebx
mov eax, [num1]
mov ebx, [num2]
; Convert from ascii to decimal
sub eax, '0'
sub ebx, '0'
; Subtract
sub eax, ebx
; Conversion from decimal to ascii
add eax, '0'
; We move the result
mov [result], eax
; Print on screen the message 9
mov eax, 4
mov ebx, 1
mov ecx, msg9
mov edx, lmsg9
int 80h
; Print on screen the result
mov eax, 4
mov ebx, 1
mov ecx, result
mov edx, 1
int 80h
; We end the program
jmp exit
; We store the numbers in registers ax and bx
mov ax, [num1]
mov bx, [num2]
; Convert from ascii to decimal
sub ax, '0'
sub bx, '0'
; Multiply. AL = AX x BX
mul bx
; Conversion from decimal to ascii
add al, '0'
; We move the result
mov [result], al
; Print on screen the message 9
mov eax, 4
mov ebx, 1
mov ecx, msg9
mov edx, lmsg9
int 80h
; Print on screen the result
mov eax, 4
mov ebx, 1
mov ecx, result
mov edx, 1
int 80h
; We end the program
jmp exit
; We store the numbers in registers ax and bx
mov dx, 0
mov ax, [num1]
mov bx, [num2]
; Convert from ascii to decimall
sub ax, '0'
sub bx, '0'
; Division. AX = DX:AX / BX
div bx
; Conversion from decimal to ascii
add ax, '0'
; We move the result
mov [result], ax
; Print on screen the message 9
mov eax, 4
mov ebx, 1
mov ecx, msg9
mov edx, lmsg9
int 80h
; Print on screen the result
mov eax, 4
mov ebx, 1
mov ecx, result
mov edx, 1
int 80h
; We end the program
jmp exit
; Print on screen two new lines
mov eax, 4
mov ebx, 1
mov ecx, nlinea
mov edx, lnlinea
int 80h
; End the program
mov eax, 1
mov ebx, 0
int 80h
The error must be found inside the tag "divide".
Why do I always get 1 as result of a division?
I hope that someone with more experience can help me with this.
Thank you all very much. My calculator finally works. Here is my final code:
section .data
; Messages
msg1 db 10,'-Calculator-',10,0
lmsg1 equ $ - msg1
msg2 db 10,'Number 1: ',0
lmsg2 equ $ - msg2
msg3 db 'Number 2: ',0
lmsg3 equ $ - msg3
msg4 db 10,'1. Add',10,0
lmsg4 equ $ - msg4
msg5 db '2. Subtract',10,0
lmsg5 equ $ - msg5
msg6 db '3. Multiply',10,0
lmsg6 equ $ - msg6
msg7 db '4. Divide',10,0
lmsg7 equ $ - msg7
msg8 db 'Operation: ',0
lmsg8 equ $ - msg8
msg9 db 10,'Result: ',0
lmsg9 equ $ - msg9
msg10 db 10,'Invalid Option',10,0
lmsg10 equ $ - msg10
nlinea db 10,10,0
lnlinea equ $ - nlinea
section .bss
; Spaces reserved for storing the values provided by the user.
opc: resb 2
num1: resb 2
num2: resb 2
result: resb 2
section .text
global _start
; Print on screen the message 1
mov eax, 4
mov ebx, 1
mov ecx, msg1
mov edx, lmsg1
int 80h
; Print on screen the message 2
mov eax, 4
mov ebx, 1
mov ecx, msg2
mov edx, lmsg2
int 80h
; We get num1 value.
mov eax, 3
mov ebx, 0
mov ecx, num1
mov edx, 2
int 80h
; Print on screen the message 3
mov eax, 4
mov ebx, 1
mov ecx, msg3
mov edx, lmsg3
int 80h
; We get num2 value.
mov eax, 3
mov ebx, 0
mov ecx, num2
mov edx, 2
int 80h
; Print on screen the message 4
mov eax, 4
mov ebx, 1
mov ecx, msg4
mov edx, lmsg4
int 80h
; Print on screen the message 5
mov eax, 4
mov ebx, 1
mov ecx, msg5
mov edx, lmsg5
int 80h
; Print on screen the message 6
mov eax, 4
mov ebx, 1
mov ecx, msg6
mov edx, lmsg6
int 80h
; Print on screen the message 7
mov eax, 4
mov ebx, 1
mov ecx, msg7
mov edx, lmsg7
int 80h
; Print on screen the message 8
mov eax, 4
mov ebx, 1
mov ecx, msg8
mov edx, lmsg8
int 80h
; We get the option selected.
mov ebx,0
mov ecx,opc
mov edx,2
mov eax,3
int 80h
mov ah, [opc] ; Move the selected option to the registry ah
sub ah, '0' ; Convert from ascii to decimal
; We compare the value entered by the user to know what operation to perform.
cmp ah, 1
je add
cmp ah, 2
je subtract
cmp ah, 3
je multiply
cmp ah, 4
je divide
; If the value entered by the user does not meet any of the above
; conditions then we show an error message and we close the program.
mov eax, 4
mov ebx, 1
mov ecx, msg10
mov edx, lmsg10
int 80h
jmp exit
; We keep the numbers in the registers al and bl
mov al, [num1]
mov bl, [num2]
; Convert from ascii to decimal
sub al, '0'
sub bl, '0'
; Add
add al, bl
; Conversion from decimal to ascii
add al, '0'
; We move the result
mov [result], al
; Print on screen the message 9
mov eax, 4
mov ebx, 1
mov ecx, msg9
mov edx, lmsg9
int 80h
; Print on screen the result
mov eax, 4
mov ebx, 1
mov ecx, result
mov edx, 2
int 80h
; We end the program
jmp exit
; We keep the numbers in the registers al and bl
mov al, [num1]
mov bl, [num2]
; Convert from ascii to decimal
sub al, '0'
sub bl, '0'
; Subtract
sub al, bl
; Conversion from decimal to ascii
add al, '0'
; We move the result
mov [result], al
; Print on screen the message 9
mov eax, 4
mov ebx, 1
mov ecx, msg9
mov edx, lmsg9
int 80h
; Print on screen the result
mov eax, 4
mov ebx, 1
mov ecx, result
mov edx, 1
int 80h
; We end the program
jmp exit
; We store the numbers in registers al and bl
mov al, [num1]
mov bl, [num2]
; Convert from ascii to decimal
sub al, '0'
sub bl, '0'
; Multiply. AX = AL x BL
mul bl
; Conversion from decimal to ascii
add ax, '0'
; We move the result
mov [result], ax
; Print on screen the message 9
mov eax, 4
mov ebx, 1
mov ecx, msg9
mov edx, lmsg9
int 80h
; Print on screen the result
mov eax, 4
mov ebx, 1
mov ecx, result
mov edx, 1
int 80h
; We end the program
jmp exit
; We store the numbers in registers ax and bx
mov al, [num1]
mov bl, [num2]
mov dx, 0
mov ah, 0
; Convert from ascii to decimall
sub al, '0'
sub bl, '0'
; Division. AL = AX / BX
div bl
; Conversion from decimal to ascii
add ax, '0'
; We move the result
mov [result], ax
; Print on screen the message 9
mov eax, 4
mov ebx, 1
mov ecx, msg9
mov edx, lmsg9
int 80h
; Print on screen the result
mov eax, 4
mov ebx, 1
mov ecx, result
mov edx, 1
int 80h
; We end the program
jmp exit
; Print on screen two new lines
mov eax, 4
mov ebx, 1
mov ecx, nlinea
mov edx, lnlinea
int 80h
; End the program
mov eax, 1
mov ebx, 0
int 80h