How to redirect redirect mock requests in Spring M

2019-06-03 20:22发布


In my web.xml I mapped the servlet to /api like this:


So for the controller using @RequestMapping(value = "/todo", method = RequestMethod.GET), it actually gets mapped to "/api/todo"

But in test when I call mockMvc.perform(get("/api/todo/")) I got a 404. I have to call get("/todo/") to get the correct mapping in test. I hope to map the controller in test like in actual scenario. Is that possible?

I'm using WebMvcConfigurerAdapter in test and I tried

public void addResourceHandlers(ResourceHandlerRegistry registry) {

but it didn't work.


You will notice when you setup your MockMvc configuration that you don't specify the location of a deployment descriptor, your web.xml. That is because MockMvc doesn't test your configuration of a DispatcherServlet. It tests your MVC configuration, @Controller beans and the like.

If you look at the source, MockMvc creates a TestDispatcherServlet which loads and uses your web application context.

In other words, the servlet url-pattern path is irrelevant to MockMvc. You make your requests as if there was no such path.

You state

I hope to map the controller in test like in actual scenario.

you will need to use a different test strategy. Fully deploy your web application and use an HTTP client to make requests and validate what you get back.

You've tagged unit-testing. Testing in a full environment is not unit testing, it is integration and system testing.

Note that this

public void addResourceHandlers(ResourceHandlerRegistry registry) {

has nothing to do with the above. Its purpose is to serve static resources from some path in your webapp. It has nothing to do with your servlet's url-pattern or the path to your controllers.