Animating a counter-clockwise arc in raphael.js

2019-06-03 18:07发布


I got the exact arc animation I need from the thread drawing centered arcs in raphael js

However, I need another instance of this arc drawn counter-clockwise, while this one only seems to be clockwise. Is it possible for this arc to be drawn and animated counter-clockwise?

code snippet from the answered question:

// Custom Arc Attribute, position x&y, value portion of total, total value, Radius
var archtype = Raphael("canvas", 200, 100);
archtype.customAttributes.arc = function (xloc, yloc, value, total, R) {
    var alpha = 360 / total * value,
        a = (90 - alpha) * Math.PI / 180,
        x = xloc + R * Math.cos(a),
        y = yloc - R * Math.sin(a),
    if (total == value) {
        path = [
            ["M", xloc, yloc - R],
            ["A", R, R, 0, 1, 1, xloc - 0.01, yloc - R]
    } else {
        path = [
            ["M", xloc, yloc - R],
            ["A", R, R, 0, +(alpha > 180), 1, x, y]
    return {
        path: path

//make an arc at 50,50 with a radius of 30 that grows from 0 to 40 of 100 with a bounce
var my_arc = archtype.path().attr({
    "stroke": "#f00",
    "stroke-width": 14,
    arc: [50, 50, 0, 100, 30]

    arc: [50, 50, 40, 100, 30]
}, 1500, "bounce");


As Kevin said, you need the sweep_flag set, and you need to invert a few variables. Here is my final code with it going anti-clockwise;

paper.customAttributes.arc = function (xloc, yloc, value, total, R) {
var alpha = 360 / total * value, 
    a = (90 - alpha) * Math.PI / 180, 
    x = xloc - R * Math.cos(a), 
    y = yloc - R * Math.sin(a),
if (total == value) {
    path = [
        ["M", xloc, yloc - R],
        ["A", R, R, 0, 1, 1, xloc - 0.01, yloc - R]
} else {
    path = [
        ["M", xloc, yloc - R],
        ["A", R, R, 0, +(alpha > 180), 0, x, y]
return {
    path: path


I was not able to figure out how to make the arc itself go counter clockwise, but I was able to mirror the SVG itself using the CSS from this topic.


The answer to your question is buried in the w3c documentation for elliptical arcs in the svg1.1 spec. What you were looking for was the sweep-flag -- 1 (which you are using throughout) results in a clockwise arc, and 0 results in a counterclockwise one. When I stumbled across this question a few months ago I found nothing on to answer the question, which annoyed me greatly.

You could implement this a number of ways, and something like this would probably be the straightest approach:

archtype.customAttributes.arc = function (xloc, yloc, value, total, R, sweep_flag ) {
    sweep_flag = sweep_flag || 1;
    var alpha = 360 / total * value,
        a = (90 - alpha) * Math.PI / 180,
        x = xloc + R * Math.cos(a),
        y = yloc - R * Math.sin(a),
    if (total == value) {
        path = [
            ["M", xloc, yloc - R],
            ["A", R, R, 0, 1, sweep_flag, xloc - 0.01, yloc - R]
    } else {
        path = [
            ["M", xloc, yloc - R],
            ["A", R, R, 0, +(alpha > 180), sweep_flag, x, y]
    return {
        path: path

Using this you should be able to control the direction of the arc using an optional 6th parameter.


Using this you can pass negative numbers to the value parameter. = function(centerX, centerY, value, total, radius){
        angle = value / total * 359.99,
        absAngle = Math.abs(angle),
        a = Math.PI / 180 * (90 - angle),
        x = centerX + radius * Math.cos(a),
        y = centerY - radius * Math.sin(a),
        sweep = +(value >= 0),

        path = [
            ['M', centerX, centerY - radius],
            ['A', radius, radius, 0, +(absAngle > 180), sweep, x, y]

        return { 'path': path };