OK, this is pretty basic but I've read the documentation over and over and want to be sure I've got this right. In plain language, my watchkit app will be shut down by some user interaction exiting the app that's external to my code, right? I don't need to clear or reset the screen with any kind of close procedure that sets it up for another run? I don't need to build an "Exit" or "Close app" routine, right? It's confusing because the documentation implies the app will deactivate once it's no longer on screen (presumably by a user action like swiping to another app) and that this will call the didDeactivate function. But the documentation also claims:
In iOS Simulator, WatchKit calls the didDeactivate method for the current interface controller when you lock the simulator by selecting Hardware > Lock. When you subsequently unlock the simulator, WatchKit calls that interface controller’s willActivate method again. You can use this capability to debug your activation and deactivation code.
But the simulator doesn't appear to deallocate memory or reset variables or reset my app in any way. It remains persistent on screen in the state at the time of the lock, and it comes back in that state when I unlock. What worries me is that if I've got this wrong, I have an app built for one run. But I don't see routines for shutdown, screen clearance, or any of the elements you'd expect in a conventional shutdown routine.