I'm facing a problem on Mac 2016 Powerpoint. In my VBA module I need to run an applescript. As we cannot use MacScript anymore I followed RonDeBruin's explanation to use AppleScriptTask. My Applescript is working fine on his own but when I try to call it like this :
AppleScriptTask("hello.scpt", "myhandler", "hello")
With in my apple script
on myhandler(paramString)
say paramString
End myhandler
It gives me an error 5 - Invalid procedure call or argument
my script is placed in Library/Application Scripts/com.microsoft.Powerpoint is this path alright?
Thank you for your help
I did get that error originally but now it works for me with your stated folder location but only after I rebooted my Mac and tried the same script with Excel:mac 2016 (I'm not sure which action is responsible for the success). Interestingly, I thought that since Microsoft is very protective of their trademarks that I originally thought that the folder name needed to be "com.microsoft.PowerPoint" but that did't work.
I know this is an old thread but I was receiving this error and the issue was the location of my AppleScript.
I originally had it under
/Library/Application Scripts/com.microsoft.Excel
and I should have had it under my Library
/Users/username/Library/Application Scripts/com.microsoft.Excel