I am implementing Solr dismax search and also using this function recip(ms(NOW,PubDate),3.16e-11,1000,1000)
for date boost. Everthing is working fine but only got one problem.
if search keywords are repeated in the Title, they get more score than recent results.
e.g. 1) Title = solr lucene
Date = 1 day old
2) Title = solr lucene is best, love solr lucene
Date = 15 days old
If user searched for 'solr lucene', then #2 comes at first position only because keywords are repeated in the Title.
I have got too many records which are1,2 or 3 days old and they have even the exact same title "SOLR LUCENE" but those records doesn't come on first page only because old records have keywords repeated in the Title.
I don't want to sort the results entirely by date. Currently i am sorting it like this. sort= score desc, date asc