I'm trying to write an R script that takes in 3 arguments when run with Rscript: input file name, whether it has a header or not (values are 'header' or 'no_header', and a positive integer (the number of replacements; its for a bootstrap application). So, when I run it this way:
Rscript bootstrapWithReplacement.R survival.csv header 50
it should, before running, check if: 1) The script indeed took in 3 parameters; 2) whether the first parameter is a file; 3) whether the second parameter has a 'header' or 'no_header' value, and 4) if the number passed is a positive integer.
Here is my code so far:
pcArgs <- commandArgs()
snOffset <- grep('--args', pcArgs)
inputFile <- pcArgs[snOffset+1]
headerSpec <- pcArgs[snOffset+2] ## header/no_header
numberOfResamples <- pcArgs[snOffset+3] ## positive integer
check.integer <- function(N){
!length(grep("[^[:digit:]]", as.character(N)))
if (!file_test("-f",inputFile)) {stop("inputFile not defined. Proper use: Rscript bootstrapWithReplacementFile.R survival.csv header 50.")}
if (!exists("headerSpec")) {stop("headerSpec not defined. Proper use: Rscript bootstrapWithReplacementFile.R survival.csv header 50.")}
if (!exists("numberOfResamples")) {stop("numberOfResamples not defined. Proper use: Rscript bootstrapWithReplacementFile.R survival.csv header 50.")}
if ((headerSpec != 'header') == TRUE & (headerSpec != 'no_header') == TRUE) {stop("headerSpec not properly defined. Correct values: 'header' OR 'no_header'.")}
if (check.integer(numberOfResamples) != TRUE | (numberOfResamples>0) != TRUE) {stop("numberOfResamples not properly defined. Must be an integer larger than 0.")}
if (headerSpec == 'header') {
for (i in 1:numberOfResamples) {write.csv(inputData[sample(nrow(inputData),replace=TRUE),], paste("./bootstrap_",i,"_",inputFile,sep=""), row.names=FALSE)}
if (headerSpec == 'no_header') {
for (i in 1:numberOfResamples) {write.table(inputData[sample(nrow(inputData),replace=TRUE),], paste("./bootstrap_",i,"_",inputFile,sep=""),
sep=",", row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE)}
My problem is, the check for the existence of a file works, but for the header or integer don't.
Also, how can I, in the beginning, check if all three arguments have been passed?