Extracting a complex type from entry.CurrentValues

2019-06-03 08:30发布


Some of my domain classes contain a complex type for a street address. I am capturing a log of my changes, and want to be able to reconstruct the address object from the ObjectStateEntry.CurrentValues

My code is detailed here

And I want to extract the address from CurrentValues as the answer suggests.

I can see the address in the _userObject property in the debugger, but i don't know how to extract it.

I have tried

var obj = entry.CurrentValues[ordinal];
var rec = (DbDataRecord)obj;

what should be next?


    public static T ConvertTo<T>(this DbDataRecord record)
        T item = Activator.CreateInstance<T>();
        for (int f = 0; f < record.FieldCount; f++)
            var p = item.GetType().GetProperty(record.GetName(f));
            if (p != null && p.PropertyType == record.GetFieldType(f))
                p.SetValue(item, record.GetValue(f), null);

        return item;