looking to set up user permissions in parse.com. i have a know list of users in my user "table". i want to lock down the app for supervisors(role) only view most tables and modify a few. have managers(role) to view almost all tables and modify most. Administrators to view and modify all.
after searching for days i only see code to modify roles and permissions. what is the purpose using code if the roles and permissions are only setup once? or would someone please explain how to set up roles and permissions in the data window online. thanks for your help
I get this error on the save line: https://api.parse.com/1/classes/_Role/24EHbUyDzv 404 (Not Found)
my sample code for utility:
// First create a pointer to the object of yourClassName
var user = Parse.Object.extend("User");
var pointer = new user();
pointer.id = "aL5dfXQsRO";
// Now you can add the pointer to the relation
query = new Parse.Query(Parse.Role);
query.equalTo("name", "manager");
query.first ( {
success: function(object) {
//response.success("The user has been authorized.");