I have a status report a user can send by email and I want to update a column :sent_mail to true, after the deliver action is completed.
def send_status
date = Date.today
reports = current_user.reports.for_date(date)
ReportMailer.status_email(current_user, reports, date).deliver
reports.update_all(sent_mail: true)
and the table class
AddSentMailToReports < ActiveRecord::Migration
def change
add_column :reports, :sent_mail, :boolean, default: false
However, in console, sent_mail is still set to false.Any ideas why this doesn't work?
This is because update_all sends an update directly to the database - it won't update the report models you have in memory. If you check the database after running your current version, you'll see that the records have been updated.
You need to call 'reload' on each report to get the updated version from the database or
to do them all in one go.
If update_all or update_attribute does not work you can use this
reports.update_attributes(:sent_mail => true)
Ref update_all
, update_attributes
and update_attribute
reports.update_all(sent_mail: true)
reports.update_attribute('sent_mail', true)
There is difference between update_attribute and update_attributes update_attribute vs update_attributes