I have text on a chart like below. I want to change the font size of the text "abc". I tried putting 'font-size':'8px' inside of the css, but it did not work. Does anyone have an idea about this?
Here is the fiddle link:
'events': {
'load': function () {
var label = this['renderer']['label']('* y='+ slope +'x'+'+('+ intercept + ')<br> R^2='+ rSquare)
'width': '150px',
'color' : 'grey',
'stroke': 'grey',
'stroke-width': 0,
'r': 5,
'padding': 3
label.align(Highcharts.extend(['label']['getBBox()'], {
'align': 'right',
'x': -110, // offset
'verticalAlign': 'bottom',
'y': -130 // offset
}), null, 'spacingBox');