So I'm using playframework 2.0 and my application is ready for release. as I have been developing I have noticed that: conf\evolutions\default\1.sql has been automatically changing each time I add/modify my model layer. As I am about to release my application I was wondering how do I set this to start adding it to 2.sql instead of 1? I would like to tag/branch the revision so that if I need to upgrade my release in the future the system will notice that it has 1.sql installed so it will only need to run 2.sql.
I am currently using a JDBC databse, and noticed that during development if I made any changes it would update 1.sql and then the next time I ran the application it would wipe all my data clean.
So how do I make it so evolution 1 is finished?
I currently have the config option: applyEvolutions.default=true
is this a bad idea for release?
Thanks for the help