“Lambdifying” scala Function in Java

2019-06-03 06:51发布


Using Java and Apache Spark (that has been rewritten in Scala), faced with old API method (org.apache.spark.rdd.JdbcRDD constructor), that has AbstractFunction1 as it's argument:

abstract class AbstractFunction1[@scala.specialized -T1, @scala.specialized +R]() extends scala.AnyRef with scala.Function1[T1, R] {}

Because AbstractFunction1 is an abstract class, I cant use Java8 lambdas, so I decided to wrap scala.Function1 trait is the same with java.util.functions.Function but does't implements andThen and compose methods. As a result, i create thes interface:

import scala.Function1;

public interface Funct<T, R> extends Function1<T, R>, Serializable {

    default <A> Function1<A, R> compose(Function1<A, T> before) {
        return null;

    default <A> Function1<T, A> andThen(Function1<R, A> g) {
        return null;

IDE has no problems with this interface, but while compiling, a get:

[ERROR] Funct is not a functional interface
[ERROR] multiple non-overriding abstract methods found in interface Funct

Is it possible to wrap Scala's trait, that i can use lambdas for method:

void doMagic(scala.Function1<T,V> arg)


So you want a functional interface version of the scala function traits so you can call them with java8 lambda syntax? You don't have to do this yourself. Take a look at https://github.com/scala/scala-java8-compat . Its not quite as nice as directly using java8 lambda syntax, since you still have to do

import static scala.compat.java8.JFunction.*;
doMagic(func(x => ...));

instead of

doMagic(x => ...);

But in Scala 2.12 a big theme will be Java8 compatibility. The scala FunctionX classes themselves will be redone as SAM interfaces, so you will be able to do the latter when scala 2.12 comes out. At least that was the plan last time I checked.