Am having problems with PHP's require_once, require, include_once and include functions not correctly resolving a file. I am running PHP 5.3.1 on Windows Vista with Apache 2.2.11.
These are the problems I am getting:
returns TRUE
returns TRUE
$fp = fopen('C:/wamp/www/park_factor_network/system/application/shared/config/language.php','r');
$contents = fread($fp, filesize('C:/wamp/www/park_factor_network/system/application/shared/config/language.php'));
returns a valid file resource and stores it into $contents
require_once('system/application/shared/config/database.php') or die("Cannot Include Language Config");
require_once('C:/wamp/www/park_factor_network/system/application/shared/config/language.php') or die("Cannot Include Language Config");
Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required '1' (include_path='.;C:\php5\pear') in C:\wamp\www\park_factor_network\system\application\shared\hooks\select_language.php on line 25
C:\wamp\www\park_factor_network\system\application\news_site\hooks is a Directory Junction for C:\wamp\www\park_factor_network\system\application\shared\hooks
I only experience this problem when accessing this file from a certain location in the framework, however as this is a direct include or require it shouldn't be affected by that and only PHP? If I try and include the file anywhere else within my setup it loads fine.