I am pretty new to SQL and trying to figure this out:
I have a table called BUDGET that has 12 columns for each month of the year, displaying the budget balance of that month. So the table looks like this:
[Department] [Year] [Month1] [Month2] .... [Month12]
ABCD 2010 $5000 $5500 ..... $4000
ABCD 2011 $6000 $6500 ..... $3000
What I am trying to do is to normalize this table and break each row into 12 rows, each row with a date field in the following format. I also want to have a [Balance] column that displays the value of that month. So, the normalized table will look like this:
[Department] [Date] [Balance]
ABCD 20100101 $5000
ABCD 20100201 $5500
ABCD 20100301 .....
ABCD ....... ......
I tried using CROSS JOIN on the same table but failed. I also tried using a while loop but that failed as well. Any kind of help is appreciated. Thanks!
EDIT: I am using SQL Server 2008
Just for fun here's a CROSS APPLY solution:
DateAdd(month, (B.Year - 1900) * 12 + M.Mo - 1, 0) [Date],
dbo.Budget B
(1, Month1), (2, Month2), (3, Month3), (4, Month4), (5, Month5), (6, Month6),
(7, Month7), (8, Month8), (9, Month9), (10, Month10), (11, Month11), (12, Month12)
) M (Mo, Balance);
It's really no different than @Aaron Bertrand's UNPIVOT, without using UNPIVOT.
If you must have the date as a string, then put strings in the CROSS APPLY like ('01', Month1)
and change the SELECT to Convert(char(4), B.Year) + M.Mo
DATEADD(YEAR, [Year]-1900, 0)),
Balance FOR [Month] IN
Month1, Month2, Month3, Month4,
Month5, Month6, Month7, Month8,
Month9, Month10, Month11, Month12
) AS y
ORDER BY Department, [Date];
This is how I do it. No need to get all fancy about it.
select department = b.department ,
year = b.year ,
month = m.month ,
balance = case m.month
when 1 then b.Month1
when 2 then b.Month2
when 3 then b.Month3
when 4 then b.Month4
when 5 then b.Month5
when 6 then b.Month6
when 7 then b.Month7
when 8 then b.Month8
when 9 then b.Month9
when 10 then b.Month10
when 11 then b.Month11
when 12 then b.Month12
else null
from dbo.budget b
join ( select month = 1
union all select month = 2
union all select month = 3
union all select month = 4
union all select month = 5
union all select month = 6
union all select month = 7
union all select month = 8
union all select month = 9
union all select month = 10
union all select month = 11
union all select month = 12
) m on 1 = 1 -- a dummy join: we want the cartesian product here so as to expand every row in budget into twelve, one per month of the year.