We are using backbone routing, mod_rewrite, requirejs. The app is in a folder, not on the web root, so relative folder references are required for images,css, and js files (if we could use absolute folders the files would load).
When accessing a route with a trailing slash none of the js and css files loads correctly unless there is an appropriate base tag set in the header. Like so:
<base href="//localhost/myapp/" />
This solution works. The problem is we need to variablize the base tag so that we can have dev and production versions of the code. But to load a js file with the variable wont work without a base tag.
Just to be sure I did the standard fixes for backbone. Fix optional slash (/):
routes: {
And setting the root in history
Backbone.history.start({pushState: true, root: "//localhost/myapp/");
The problem appears to be an unresolvable mod_rewrite issue. So the final thought is to dynamically set the base tag.