
Implementing reference counts with C++

2019-06-03 05:47发布


I'm working on my digital signal processing framework. To provide a data exchange interface, I wrap all buffers in a Data class, which has a reference count based GC mechanism(the system is simple enough so I believe ref count can handle this).

It works like this:

  1. When a Data instance is constructed, it sets its ref count to zero.
  2. When the instance is dispatched to N DSP modules, add N to its ref count.
  3. When a DSP module finishes with the instance, it reduces the ref count.
  4. When the ref count decreases to zero, it delete this;

However I found out that there is memory leak in my program.

To debug, I added static variables m_alloccount and m_freecount to the Data class to record the time of allocation and freeing. Then I pause the execution at random times, only finding out there is just slight difference between the two numbers.

E.g. in different trials:

Trial         1   2    3      4
m_alloccount  12  924  34413  364427
m_freecount   11  923  34412  364425

But the fact is that the memory usage is still growing. I believe all memory allocation is bound to the Data class. Really can't figure out the reason now.

int Data::m_alloctime=0;
int Data::m_freetime=0;

Data::Data(DataPinOut*parent, int type, int size)
        m_ptr=new char[TypeSizeLookup()*size];

    delete [] (char*)m_ptr;

void Data::Delete()
    std::lock_guard<std::mutex>*lock=new std::lock_guard<std::mutex>(m_mutex);

        delete lock;
        delete lock;
        delete this;


In my experience, a memory leak of just one or two regardless of the amount of internal operations indicates a leak of an input or output variable. Check the accounting consistency of the external interface of your system.

std::shared_ptr is nice because being standard, it is automatically suitable as an external interface. The user can interact with ref-counted objects without knowing the management details defined by DSP.

Other than that, there's not much we can do to intuit what's happening in your program.


How are you maintaining your counters? If your counter decrement/test is not atomic you might be leaking decrements which would prevent the object from ever reaching a refcount of 0.


Step 2. Add n refs when dispatched.

Are modules guaranteed to be dispatched? Based on your simple algorithm statement a created module that is not dispatched has no mechanism by which its ref count would decrement and be deleted.