
API for Bayesian networks with Java

2019-06-02 22:17发布


Is there any API for building bayesian networks of influence diagram with java?


I've found two influence diagram engines with Java API which are free & open source:


SMILE (Structural Modeling, Inference, and Learning Engine) is a fully portable library of C++ classes implementing graphical decision-theoretic methods, such as Bayesian net-works and influence diagrams, directly amenable to inclusion in intelligent systems.


UnBBayes is a probabilistic network framework written in Java. It has both a GUI and an API with inference, sampling, learning and evaluation. It supports BN, ID, MSBN, OOBN, HBN, MEBN/PR-OWL, PRM, structure, parameter and incremental learning.


From the Jayes website:

What Jayes is, and what it isn't

Jayes is a Java library for Bayesian networks and the inference in such networks. At the moment, there is no learning component included. (We can, however, recommend the Apache Mahout library.)


It's not free, but Norsys Netica has a Java API. It's not pretty, either.
