I have a weird problem where every time after I reboot my Mac
I get the following error while trying to deploy using capistrano
Permissions 0644 for '/Users/guy/.ssh/id_rsa.pub' are too open
I don't remember how I fixed this last time. I just remember it was annoying and also happened a reboot to the computer.
my permission for the id_rsa file are 600
and for the id_rsa.pub are 644
if I run chmod 600 id_rsa
then it will ask for a password while deploying with capistrano.
a password which I don't know...
any help would be appreciated. thanks
You need to make sure that all the parent folders of your ssh keys are not writable for group or other.
For instance: 755 or stricter (not 775 anywhere)
That is for:
The question "Password dialog appears when SSH private key permissions are set to 0600" includes a lot of good advices, including one that the OP followed:
When I had an id_rsa
but not a corresponding id_rsa.pub
, Mac OS X kept popping up the dialog and remember password in my keychain did nothing.
cd ~/.ssh
ssh-keygen -y -f id_rsa > id_rsa.pub
generated the appropriate public key file for me.
So re-generating can help.
ended up just creating a new ssh key with a passphrase, because no other solution worked