First of all, I'm pretty sure that I have checked every answer here and nothing does what I would like to do.
- In this question, for answer is given ASIHTTPRequest which is dead project. (How do I download an entire webpage (with images) on the iPhone?)
- In this question, user proposed RNCachingURLProtocol which is really great but I had a few problems after closing app completely (closing it in task-bar). After that I didn't get css or images, only html was loaded. (Cache a single webpage for use when offline in Xcode / UIWEBVIEW).
There are few more answers but none is good. There must be some simple implementation for what I'm searching.
I would like to: When app opens, it loads some webpage. I want to save that webpage completely. Now user can quit or do whatever he wants (just not uninstall). As long as there is some internet connection (I check that using reachability class), webpage loads normally and it's being saved. IF USER opens app and there is NO INTERNET connection I just want to show message that "it might not be up to date bla bla boa" and show complete, saved webpage that was saved last time application has internet connection.
What would be the best way (up to date) to save complete webpage. I'v found something about MKNetworkKit but I'm not sure how to use that. Any help would be appreciated.