I am trying to use the package Turkit on windows7 and just trying to get the sample code given in the package working.
print("Hello World")
print("Your balance is: " + mturk.getAccountBalance())
And I have specified my awsAccessKeyID and awsSecretAccessKey in properties file.
But I got the following error:
org.mozilla.javascript.WrappedException: Wrapped java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: ERROR 500: aws:Client.NonSecureRequestThis request must be made over a secure channel. You must use 'https' rather than 'http'.72aff2a1-4ba4-40a6-beb3-b65deafd3945
I am thinking there might be something wrong with my internet connection setting or I didn't install something that is required by this package. Could anyone help me figure out what's going wrong here?