How to get all folders paths that contains music (

2019-06-02 15:10发布


I'm new in Cocoa.I'm trying to scan computer for music folders,within my application. But I have some logic for it. What I need to start scaning from /Users , for example if I have /Users/music/anotherMusic and /Users/music/music2/music3 , I need to be able to get only the top for that folders that contains music (/Users/music ). And also need to continue iterate in subfolders to have a count of music files in the root folder (/Users/music). And so on with the same logic continue scanning whole computer.And results should be displayed in table, for example RESULTS should be like this

- -/Users/myComputer/iTunes - 77 folders, 500 music files

- /Users/myComputer/Documents/Music -15 music folders,400 music files

- /Users/myComputer/Downloads/Media -20 music folders, 325 music
files (count of all subdirectories with music)

How I can do it? What I did ,it is in the code below. But it's going deep all the way down, and give me each path that contains .mp3 music, but I need logic as mentioned above.

NSFileManager *manager = [NSFileManager defaultManager];

       NSDirectoryEnumerator *direnum = [manager enumeratorAtPath:@"/Users/"];                  
        NSString * file;
      while((file=[direnum nextObject]))
          NSString * FullPath=[NSString stringWithFormat:@"/Users/%@",file];

          if ([file hasSuffix:@".mp3"])
          ///gives a music file path that contains mp3, or I can cut last part, and get the folder path. But no logic as should be.

Any ideas, or help appreciated. Thanks.


Correct me if I am wrong. You want to get the number of mp3 in your folder, but while a folder only contains folders and mp3 files, the mp3-count is for its parent folder (and if the parent itself only contains folders and mp3s, it counts for its grand-parent, etc.) right ?

[manager enumeratorAtPath] is quite useful, but in this case it will certainly require you to maintain a stack to keep track of your browsed files.

Recursion is bliss, here.

- (BOOL)isMp3File:(NSString*)file
    return [file hasSuffix:@".mp3"];

- (BOOL)isHiddenFile:(NSString*)file
    return [file hasPrefix:@"."];

- (void)parseForMp3:(NSMutableDictionary*)dic
    BOOL comboBreak = false;
    NSFileManager *fileManager = [NSFileManager defaultManager];
    NSError* error;
    NSArray* files = [fileManager contentsOfDirectoryAtPath:currentPath error:&error];
    if (error)
        //throw error or anything
    for (NSString *file in files)
        BOOL isDirectory = false;
        NSString *fullPath = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@/%@", currentPath, file];
        [fileManager fileExistsAtPath:fullPath isDirectory:&isDirectory];
        comboBreak = comboBreak || (!isDirectory &&
                                    ![self isMp3File:file] &&
                                    ![self isHiddenFile:file]);
        if (comboBreak)
    for (NSString *file in files)
        BOOL isDirectory = false;
        NSString *fullPath = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@/%@", currentPath, file];
        [fileManager fileExistsAtPath:fullPath isDirectory:&isDirectory];
        if (isDirectory)
            if (!comboBreak)
                [self parseForMp3:dic inPath:fullPath forFolder:folder];
                [self parseForMp3:dic inPath:fullPath forFolder:fullPath];
        else if ([self isMp3File:file])
            NSNumber *oldValue = [dic valueForKey:folder];
            oldValue = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedInteger:[oldValue unsignedIntegerValue] + 1];
            [dic setValue:oldValue forKey:folder];

- (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(NSNotification *)aNotification
    // Insert code here to initialize your application
    NSMutableDictionary *dic = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
    [self parseForMp3:dic inPath:@"/Users/panosbaroudjian" forFolder:@"/Users/panosbaroudjian"];
    NSLog(@"%@", dic);