I'm trying to code up an application to help me keep track of my students. Basically a customized notebook/gradebook. I hacked something together last summer that worked for this past year, but I need something better.
I'm going to pull each students record from a database, display it on my main page and have elements clickable to open a frame so that I can edit it. I need to pass information between these two frames and I'm an idiot because I can't seem to figure out how to alter the examples I've come across showing lambdas and same-class information passing.
On my main window I have a StaticText that looks like this
self.q1a_lbl = wx.StaticText(id=wxID_MAINWINDOWQ1A_LBL, label=u'87%',
name=u'q1a_lbl', parent=self.alg_panel, pos=wx.Point(115, 48),
size=wx.Size(23, 17), style=0)
self.q1a_lbl.SetToolTipString(u'Date \n\nNotes')
self.q1a_lbl.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_UP, self.OnQ1a_lblLeftUp)
Then I have the function:
def OnQ1a_lblLeftUp(self, event):
import quiz_notes
Which works graphically, but I'm not really doing anything other than opening a window when the text is clicked on. Then I have another Frame with
import wx
def create(parent):
return quiz_notes(parent)
] = [wx.NewId() for _init_ctrls in range(6)]
class quiz_notes(wx.Frame):
def _init_ctrls(self, prnt):
...and so on
I would like to pass at least a couple of variables. Eventually, when I start integrating the database into it, I would just pass a tuple. Or a reference to it. In C I'd just use a pointer. Anyway, make changes and then go back to my main window. In short, whats the best way to work with data between these two classes?